Welcome to the first ever Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! Make the loop to discover 23 new or upcoming novels, and write down the clue at each stop. When you know what the clues say, fill out the Rafflecopter form by June 4, 2012 (midnight EST) at, and you could be in the running for the grand prize of 23 new, autographed books (if you live in the USA; unsigned if international). Note: if you're the winner, you must email the complete statement within 24 hours of notification in order to claim the Grand don't miss a stop! Be ready with your answer if you're the lucky winner! No need to email it unless you receive the good word on June 5, 2012.

As a part of this scavenger hunt, I’m delighted to host author BONNIE LEON. Bonnie is the best-selling author of a number of fascinating historical novels. In addition to her work as a writer, Bonnie has a passion for teaching of all kinds, especially on the art and intricacies of storytelling. She teaches at conferences and workshops and says, “There’s nothing more thrilling than to see a student’s eyes light up with understanding as she grasps the concepts of the writing craft and begins to believe she can tell stories someone else will want to read.”
Bonnie is also a regular speaker at women’s church groups, writing groups, and business organizations.
Bonnie’s latest book is JOY TAKES FLIGHT, and here’s a bit about it:
Kate Evans and Paul Anderson are finally married, settling in, and starting a family. They rejoice when Kate finds she is pregnant, but soon it is clear that there are hurdles ahead. Should she continue in her

A Scavenger Hunt Exclusive from Bonnie, below, is a scene which didn't make it into the final book because, as Bonnie says, "We decided she was courageous and daring, but not stupid!":
Mt. Makushin appeared in the distance. A cloud of ash billowed from the peak, reaching across the sky and blotting out the sun. Kate was grateful when Unalaska came into view. It meant she’d be rid of Jason, at least for the night.
“Will ya look at that,” Jason said. “Amazing! Can you get us any closer?
Right now? It’s late. The sun’s setting and I’m beat.”
“Come on, just a peek.”
Kate blew out a frustrated breath. “Okay. But no fancy stuff.” She turned toward the mountain.
Makushin looked ominous with its black cloud boiling up from inside. Melting snow was blackened by ash. Unalaska huddled just beyond, along a huge bay—vulnerable and too close to the angry mountain.
A mud flow spilled down the west side and ash splattered the windows of the plane. Kate worried what it might do to her engine. “We’re too close.” She veered off to the west. “Maybe tomorrow we can get a look at the caldera.”
“That would be great.” Jason took photographs. When he put down his camera, he wrote in a journal, then said, “Okay. That’s it for tonight.”
* * *
Her stomach rumbling, Kate wished the cook would hurry. She’d gone to bed the night before without eating. Tables were filling up with newsmen and the inquisitive, but there was no sign of Jason. The waitress returned with a plate of eggs and bacon, set it in front of her, then filled her cup with coffee. “Thanks,” Kate said.
Barely taking time to nod, the woman moved to the next table.
Kate bolted down her food, then leisurely drank her coffee as she waited for Jason. He didn’t show. Frustrated, she went to the register and paid for her meal, then headed for the door.
Just as Kate walked out Jason walked in. “Hey, you’re up early,” he said.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
Ignoring the comment, he said, “I’m gonna get some breakfast, then I’ll meet you at the plane.”
“Sure,” Kate said, wondering what had happened to their early start.
By the time Jason wandered out, she’d inspected the engine and cleaned ash from the fuselage, wings and the windows. Jason he climbed inside without a word. Kate cranked the flywheel and hurried to her seat. The engine started without a hitch.
“All we need is a quick look, a few pictures and then we’re on our way home.”
“Got it.” Jason worked on his camera.
Kate radioed the control room and headed onto the airfield. With so much airplane traffic she was glad to be one of the first up.
Kate lifted off and headed toward the mountain. Apprehension prickled up the backs of her legs. What was she doing? Paul had already lost a wife and child. He couldn’t do it again. Sick inside, Kate realized she didn’t belong here.
She approached the volcano. Chunks of dirty white glacier tumbled down a slope. The splendor of the mountain had been destroyed.
“Can you get closer?” Jason clicked off a photo.
Kate banked toward the mountain. The caldera looked like a huge steaming bowl. Melting snow and ice cut rivers into the cliff sides. Fascination grabbed hold of Kate, and then the mountain seemed to shudder and a chunk of its peak slid away. Ash belched from inside and a swirling black mass spewed into the air, blasting straight at Kate’s plane.
You can pick up a copy Bonnie’s book at href="">, or your local bookstore. Find out more about this author at
Scavenger Hunt Skinny
Now mosey along, Hunters, to STOP 14: Maureen Lang, to pick up your next clue.
But before you go, write down this STOP 13 clue: tea
BONUS PRIZE: Leave a comment below with your e-mail address and be entered to win a copy of Danger in Plain Sight, Amish suspense by Marta Perry!