Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Books in Series

There's something about collecting books that makes a person a little nutty, I'm afraid. At least, it's true for me. (Oops, maybe I'm the only one!) But from the time I started collecting Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and the Dana Girls, I loved having those matching covers lined up on my book shelf. There's just something about a series that makes me happy. Maybe it's the sense that when I've finished one book, there's another waiting to plunge me into that same world again.

As a matter of fact, some of those books are still on my crowded bookshelves. I have a bunch of Nancy Drews with the orange silhouette of Nancy with the magnifying glass. Please tell me someone else is old enough to remember those! And the Dana Girls, too--I wanted to go to boarding school with them and solve mysteries. The Trixie Belden books were the first I collected that had the bright, colorful covers from Whitman that gave a sense of the story within. Unfortunately, those covers didn't last very well, although better than paper covers, so my remaining books now have plastic wrap around them to protect them.

So given the love I have for books in series with that special "look" I'm especially pleased to see HQN doing something similar for my current Amish suspense series of books. I just received the cover for Book 2, which will be out in October, and I love the way they've created a new scene which echoes the sense of the first book.

Here they are. Let me know what you think.



  1. I love the related covers! As a library reader, I didn't have a collection of books, just a busy library card. Most of the books I read now, I pass on. I will confess that I do keep certain authors, and you are among them. You've always been a favorite. Where Secrets Sleep draws me in at first sight. :)

  2. Love your writing Marta Perry. I only keep those books that I really enjoy, and yours are some of my favorite. Keep writing, and I will keep reading.

  3. Love both covers. Did you write for Woman's World magazine at one time? Something makes me think you had short stories in it around the same time I did. It's been a while, though!

    1. Lucy, you're so right! I remember your name, too. What are you doing these days?

  4. When does When Secrets Strike come on the market for purchase? Looking forward to reading it.

    1. When Secrets Strike is an October release, Debbie. Check back here for the exact date when I have it. Thanks!
